
The Force of Wilderness

左岩峰 /Zuo Yanfeng





Born in 1981, Changchun, Jilin Province

Graduated from Jilin Art University

Zuo Yanfeng lives and works in Beijing

左岩峰 /Zuo Yanfeng





Born in 1981, Changchun, Jilin Province

Graduated from Jilin Art University

Zuo Yanfeng lives and works in Beijing

左岩峰 /Zuo Yanfeng





Born in 1981, Changchun, Jilin Province

Graduated from Jilin Art University

Zuo Yanfeng lives and works in Beijing

初看左岩峰的作品,观者会意识到作品中透露出的那种神秘气息。画面中了了几笔勾勒出的轮廓也许符合我们脑海中对于一些形象的印记,但色彩层面的简化却没有呼应线条层面的暗示。色彩和线条这两个绘画的底层语言在左岩峰的画面中一次次擦肩而过,在几乎每一个可以交汇的场合失之交臂,直到在画面的中心位置,在这里的某个形象中,二者终于邂逅——观者能辨认出的通常是一个野兽的形象。但这吻合所提供的信息却又如此之少,观者在象征主义和写实主义的路径上注定碰壁,最终只能回到情绪抽象(Lyrical Abstraction)和色域绘画的路径中来理解他的作品。

寻踪   布面油画   100×160CM   2022



解脱   布面油画   120×150CM   2022


夜阑声 NO·1   150×200CM   2022

夜阑声 NO·1   ( 局部 )


夜阑声 NO·2   布面油画   150×200CM   2022

夜阑声 NO·2   布面油画   150×夜阑声 NO·2   ( 局部 )

在此种工作方法下,左岩峰的作品完全摒弃了视觉叙事,象征主义,以及任何与题材或形象构建有关的趣味。他画面的状态绝非奥尔巴赫(Frank Auerbach )作品中所呈现的那种厚重颜料的涂抹;也并非安德里安.格尼(Adrian Ghenie)作品中呈现的那种更偏向培根风格的破坏性涂抹;事实上,左岩峰的作品中同样去除了坏画(New Casualism)路径中常见的那种真正随意的,偶发的色块,以及坏画趣味所推崇的粗糙感——但上述路径中的一些特点可以在左岩峰的作品中找到一些端倪。如果说情绪抽象表现主义 (Lyrical Abstraction) 不可避免地与艺术家的情绪发生关系,那么左岩峰作品中的这种关系是非常疏离的——在看似连续,流畅,一气呵成的涂抹背后,画面中线条所构建的韵律与节奏是经过了非常缜密和理性的过滤之后才展现于画布之上的。左岩峰作品中的偶发因素存在于整个画面构建之初以及反复修改阶段,当这种基于偶发和相对的早期色块、线条关系被建立起来后,艺术家对于各个局部的推敲和描绘是基于理性,技法与经验。

对于很多观者来说,左岩峰的作品往往呈现出一种神秘的梦中呓语般的气质——局部色块所呈现出的丰富性与完整性令人着迷;线条中的流畅感引发观看中的舒适感受;画面中一个局部与画面另一端的某个局部之间呈现出一种神秘的呼应。观者的目光在左岩峰的作品中会停留很久,反复在局部与整体之间游历,试图理解这令人着迷的画面中究竟是什么在吸引自己。沉稳的灰色与多种暗色的使用让人联想到某种沉淀发生的痕迹,沉淀往往是一个安静而漫长的过程,这也是观看左岩峰绘画时观者必经的状态。画面中一些剧烈卷曲的线条与稀少的纯色仿佛暗示了某种正在挣脱出沉寂的生命力——一种原始的,充满着莽原气息的蛮荒之力正以一种不易察觉的方式肆意流淌;一头古老巨兽苏醒的时刻;亦或地下火山正酝酿着一次喷发。   2022

At first glance at Zuo Yanfeng's works, the viewer will be struck by the elusive ambience brought forth by his works. The contour outlined by but a few strokes in the painting may be aligned with the impressions of some figures in our minds, but there is also a unalignment between the simplification of the color and that of the line. The two basic underlying elements of the painting, color and line, miss each other over and over again in Zuo Yanfeng's paintings, until the meet at the center of the painting where color and line match up in an image—sometimes a recognizable figure of an animal. Yet, the information provided by this match is so scarce that the viewer is destined to meet a dead end on the path of symbolism and realism and can only walk the path of lyrical abstraction to comprehend Zuo Yanfeng’s work.

So the viewer approached Zuo Yanfeng's work in a closer distance. Viewed from the perspective of painting as a form, Zuo Yanfeng's work presents a very diverse color fields on the surface, which is always separated by curved lines. The artist employs superb skills to saturate each color field with a detailed gradient of lightness and grayscale, while maintaining a clear directionality in the control of brushstrokes. Among these color fields, the flatness and the sense of objecthood respectively occupy a place in the painting - Zuo Yanfeng usually uses less medium in the color blocks with strong flatness, so that the local colors shows a dry and cracked effect in which some color blocks look mottled and rough, full of the introverted textures.

In contrast to the rough color blocks, the blocks with a smooth texture are accomplished by the meticulous gradation of lightness and grayscale. The result is the appearance of clear and protruding geometric components in different parts of the painting. In addition to flat and protruding features, Zuo Yanfeng builds a basic visual structure by using underlying layout in the composition. For example, in the work Voice of Night (2022), Zuo Yanfeng constructed an inwardly concave triangular structure in the middle part of the painting. This triangle, as the foundation of the layout, is covered by countless intricate curves, making it difficult to observe.

Relying on the employment of the two types of color fields and underlying layout, Zuo Yanfeng creates a unique spatial language of "convex", "flat" and "concave" in his painting. The relationship between the concave and convex parts are not accomplished by any preliminary design, on the contrary, as he said, the relationship is found in the process of construction. On the one hand, this search reminds us of the “finding general relationship” under the academy tradition in China; on the other hand, it relies on an intuition to explore the possibilities under construction. The reliance on intuition is a concept that Zuo Yanfeng often emphasizes in his daily discussions, and this reliance often exhausts him to an extreme in the process of working. In the final appearance of the work, the painting often requires dozens of overlays and revisions to achieve a satisfactory state.

Under this working method, Zuo Yanfeng's works completely depart from visual narrative, symbolism, and any language related to subject matter or figurative construction. The state of his pictures is by no means the heavy paint smudge from Frank Auerbach's work; nor the Baconian destructive smudge from Adrian Ghenie's works; in fact, Zuo Yanfeng’s work also removes the truly random and occasional color marks that are common in the New Casualist works, as well as the roughness that often favored by New Casualist paintings—nonetheless the characteristics of all the aforementioned paths can be found in Zuo Yanfeng's works. If the lyrical abstraction inevitably reveals a status quo from the artist's emotions, this status quo in Zuo Yanfeng's works is very estranged. Behind the seeming continuousness, smoothness and coherent smearing, the lyrical rhythm constructed by the lines displayed on the canvas is the result of a very careful and rational filtering and repeat revising. The accidental factors in Zuo Yanfeng's works occur at the beginning of the construction of the entire work, though re-employed in the revision phrase, after the relationship based on accidentality and relativity is roughly established, the artist's deliberation and description of each part are based on reason, technique and experience.

For many viewers, Zuo Yanfeng's works often present an enigmatic temperament like a dreamy murmur which is constituted by the fascinating richness and integrity of the color blocks, the smoothness of the lines, and a mysterious resonance between a part in the picture and a part at the other end. The viewer's observation will stay for a long time in Zuo Yanfeng's works, repeatedly traveling between the parts and the whole, trying to understand what is attracting them in this elusive fascination. The use of serene gray and various dark colors reminds people of some kinds of sediment. Sediment often takes a quiet and long process, which is also a state that the viewer often experiences as viewing Zuo Yanfeng's paintings. Some intensely curved lines and scarcely employed pure colors in the painting seem to imply a violent vitality breaking out of the quietness, a slumbering ancient being at its awakening moment, a primitive force wanders in the wilderness, and an underground volcano prepares its eruption in an imperceptible way.




798, Beijing

Santo Hall 798

No. D10 East St.

798 Art Zone,

Chaoyang District, Beijing

Tuesday-Sunday, 10 am-6 pm


Tongli, Beijing

Santo Hall TONGLI


Yufeng Road, Xinguozhan,

Shunyi District, Beijing

Saturdays and Sundays open to the public, by appointment for the rest of the time.

Zhengzhou, Henan

Coming soon

©️ 2023 santohall




798, Beijing

Santo Hall 798

No. D10 East St.

798 Art Zone,

Chaoyang District, Beijing

Tuesday-Sunday, 10 am-6 pm


Tongli, Beijing

Santo Hall TONGLI


Yufeng Road, Xinguozhan,

Shunyi District, Beijing

Saturdays and Sundays open to the public,

by appointment for the rest of the time.

Zhengzhou, Henan

Coming soon

©️ 2023 santohall




798, Beijing

Santo Hall 798

No. D10 East St.

798 Art Zone,

Chaoyang District, Beijing

Tuesday-Sunday, 10 am-6 pm


Tongli, Beijing

Santo Hall TONGLI


Yufeng Road, Xinguozhan,

Shunyi District, Beijing

Saturdays and Sundays open to the public, by appointment for the rest of the time.

Zhengzhou, Henan

Coming soon

©️ 2023 santohall